Pace Setters' School Graduation

It's a feeling of pride and accomplishment when you see your wards excel after painstakingly nurturing them to greater heights.

Graduation ceremonies are one of such moments when you watch with pride, the products of your labour shine.

These stars either graduate to a new class or out into the bigger society, which is why it is critically important that they are given a solid foundation - a good and solid foundation on which other structures are built on.

Pace Setters School is the best and quite frankly, the only place where the laying of this solid foundation is guaranteed. From our nursery classes to our senior secondary classes, our pupils and students are instilled excellent academic prowess; discipline; good morals and social etiquette. They are taught to live, yearn and strive for excellence; they are encouraged to make the sky their starting point because they are stars.

They develop great self esteem and confidence and they are encouraged to question what they do not understand. Their morals become sharpened and they learn equity and justice. They become people of integrity and high moral standing.

Little wonder our kindergarteners are public speakers, they read and speak with good diction they are full of ideas and are eager to explore. They are just five year olds.

Little wonder our 5th and 6th graders compete favorably with resounding success in external competitions - be it academics, sports, arts, technology, science or even languages.

Little wonder our college students go on to the University to study courses considered by many as tasking, but to these trail blazers: the courses are just another walk in the moonlight.

Little wonder the world class doctors, engineers, pilots, chefs, teachers, journalists, amongst other notable professions, who are products of this great citadel of excellence – PACESETTERS SCHOOLS- never forget their roots: the institution that gave them  the right tools to flourish. They return to tell their stories and encourage the younger trailblazers.

In a world that digital technology has made a global village, Pace Setters schools ensure that our pupils and students become sought after in the digital world. Our children teach their parents and peers. I am not talking about playing video or computer games or typing, tweeting, pinning, liking or chatting; I am talking about developing software, writing programming languages, creating websites and blogs, developing mobile and web apps, developing and licensing interesting and exciting games and a whole lot more. They can do all these because Pacesetters Schools are technologically driven. We give our students an edge over their peers.

Seeing our children move on to greater heights generates mixed feelings. On one hand, we will miss them, on the other hand, we can't wait for them to begin using all the tools they have acquired to develop and build a better society.

As a butterfly, time has flown. They have learnt and they have grown. They are ready for the next level. They are superstars! They are trail blazers! They are icons! They are discoverers!

Yes, the sky is just their starting point because they are PACE SETTERS. Written By Mrs. Vivian A.
